Beyond These Shores
Campaign to build awareness for Spiritual Pilgrimages and Retreats.

We helped completely rebrand and reimagine Beyond These Shores. Working closely, in several sessions with Don and Charlotte, we provided a strategy framework to help them discover how they wanted to present themselves to their audience. Using this information we developed a very symbolic logo, business cards and a new website that perfectly reflects the spiritual aspect of their work. We are also beginning an outreach campaign to spread the word.
The Client
Beyond These Shores creates space for you to settle in, and quiet the noise of busyness so you can listen to, and embrace, your spiritual heartbeat. They provide retreats, spiritual direction and exercises, pilgrimages and resources to their community.
Website strategy, design and development

Website strategy, design and development


Business Cards with a variety of back designs


Beyond These Shores has successfully rebranded and clarified their offerings. They are actively reaching out to their community and filling up retreats and pilgrimages. They continue to refine their programs as they start a new email campaign to their followers. We look forward to continuing our relationship as their outsourced marketing and technology team.

Contact us to find out how we can build a campaign for your organization