Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services
Campaigns to raise awareness and thank donors for support and a resource database for parents

Forest Design has provided many services to Jacob’s Heart including the creation of 3 powerful videos used for fundraising and to increase awareness about the organization’s impact on the community, a well-received Annual Report, thank you card design, newspaper ads, banners and a dynamic resource center that provides up-to-date resources to parents looking for information about childhood cancer.
The Client
Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services is an amazing organization that provides family-centered care addressing the emotional, practical and financial struggles for families of children and teens during treatment. They also lovingly provide services to families experiencing anticipatory grief and those who are bereaved.
Thank you and awareness raising videos
Thank you and awareness raising videos
Annual Report

Database resource for parents

Thank You Card


We created, designed and strategized a multi-faceted community awareness campaign for Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services. This included an Annual Report, print collateral, and a compelling Donors Thank You video that helped secure a large corporate donation for the organization, and a second video highlighting the impact of the first Camp Heart + Hands – a camp for families touched by childhood cancer, staffed by pediatric oncology nurses & physicians who also know how to have fun. We also created an awareness video to celebrate Jacob’s Heart move into a much larger headquarters.
We are also nearly ready to launch a new dynamic online resource tool for parents nationwide who are looking for information and support after a cancer diagnosis for a child.

Contact us to find out how we can build a campaign for your organization